क्या BINOMO.COM फ़र्ज़ी है ? Is Binomo.com FAKE || Darpan Investigation
Duration: 4min 54sec
Views: 47 667
Submitted: 4 years ago
In this video we are going to investigate if binomo.com is actually fake or not.
Whether or not we believe on the content of Social Media, it does provides us a perspective which can be instrumental in making decisions when it comes to our various online interactions. This ability of social media to influence our decision making is used often by various companies to misguide us or to defame the product or to damage the reputation of their competition. Delhi Darpan is going to investigate one such case in this video to bring forth the absolute truth.
In this episode we are going to dig deeper into a video that was recently posted by the website "Gyan Jara Hatke", in this video the anchor is reviewing a popular binary trading website binomo.com which supports day trading of various commodities.
In this video the presenter is not only calling the trading pattern on binomo.com fake but also questioning the legality of the company operating this website. Delhi Darpan is going to find out if this binary trading app and it's website is actually doing anything fishy or this is just another propaganda by "Gyan Jara Hatke" to defame binomo being spread with bad intention
दर्पण इन्वेस्टीगेशन || सोशल मीडिया के कंटेंट पर चाहे कितना भी यकीन करें या न करें लेकिन न चाहते हुए भी ये आपको सोचने का एक नजरिया तो दे ही जाते हैं , जो कई बार काफी निर्णायक भी साबित हो जाता है। .... इसी का फायदा उठा कर जहां कई कम्पनियाँ अपने और अपने प्रोडक्ट से सम्बंधित भ्रामक जानकारियां देते हैं तो कई बार कुछ कंपनियों को निशाना बना कर गलत या अधूरी जानकारी नकारात्मक तौर पर भी परोसी जाती हैं , जिससे कंपनी या सम्बंधित पक्ष का बड़ा नुकसान हो जाता है ..... दिल्ली दर्पण अपने इस कार्यक्रम में कुछ ऐसे ही विडिओस की पड़ताल करेगा।